Our instructors at Fomen Nursing Assistant Training Academy are carefully selected based on their competence and reputation. We ensure to entrust our students’ progress to industry-experienced staff. Our instructors follow an outcome-based curriculum designed to expose students to basic and quantitative knowledge and skills essential to their careers.

Irajean Harper
Irajean Harper
Professional Profile

Irajean Harper
Mrs. lrajean Waddy Harper was born and raised in Washington, DC. She graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High school in 1965. She began her nursing career at Howard Universities Freedman’s Hospital School of Nursing immediately after graduation. She completed Nursing school in 1969, with a diploma in Nursing, Mrs. Harper decided to pursue her bachelor’s degree. Before beginning that program, she taught part time at the University of the District of Columbia in their RN program as well as Marymount University, Washington Trinity University, Howard University, and Bowie State University. Once she began the bachelor’s program at Bowie, she taught at two practical Nursing schools, VMT and J.C. INC.
During her nursing career, Mrs. Harper served on the Board of Directors at Maryland school for the Deaf for two years. She is a lifetime member of the American Red Cross, served as the Dean at Given’s Bible College, where she taught as well. She is a member of the American Nurses Association. Mrs. Harper is fluent in Spanish and American sign language. She has one publication, “What are you saying”? A book for hearing parents of Deaf children. (She has a deaf grandson).
Mrs. Harper believes that everyone can learn if they desire to regardless of their disabilities. She will find a way to teach them. Teaching is not only what Mrs. Harper does, it’s whoshe is!
lrajean Harper, RN,BSN, MSN
For inquiries regarding our instructors, please don’t hesitate to send us a message.